// ************************************************
// XLINK configuration file for MSP430FR5949
// Copyright 1996-2014 IAR Systems AB.
// See the file 430/doc/licenses/IARSourceLicense.txt for detailed
// license information.
// $Revision: $
// ************************************************
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Description
// Usage:
// xlink [file file ...] -f lnk430fr5949.xcl
// -----------------------------------------------
// Device summary
// Core: MSP430X
// Interrupt vectors: 56
// Signature memory: 16 Bytes
// Peripheral units: 0-00FFF
// Information memory (FRAM): 01800-019FF
// Read/write memory (RAM): 01C00-023FF
// Persistent memory (FRAM): 04400-0FFFF
// 10000-13FFF
// -----------------------------------------------
// Segments
// -------------------------------------
// Data read/write segments
// The following segments are available for both
// the DATA16 and DATA20 segment groups.
// segment Usage
// ------- --------------------------
// DATA<nn>_Z Data initialized to zero
// DATA<nn>_I Data initialized by copying from DATA<nn>_ID
// DATA<nn>_N Data defined using __no_init
// DATA<nn>_P Data defined using __persistent
// DATA<nn>_HEAP The heap used by 'malloc' and 'free'
// segment Usage
// ------- --------------------------
// CSTACK Runtime stack
// TLS16_I Thread-local storage for main thread
// -------------------------------------
// Program and data read-only segments
// The following segments are available for both
// the DATA16 and DATA20 segment groups.
// segment Usage
// ------- --------------------------
// DATA<nn>_C Constant data, including string literals
// DATA<nn>_ID Initializers for DATA<nn>_I
// segment Usage
// ------- --------------------------
// INFO Information memory
// INFOA Information memory, bank A
// INFOB Information memory, bank B
// INFOC Information memory, bank C
// INFOD Information memory, bank D
// CSTART Program startup code
// CODE Program code
// ISR_CODE Program code for interrupt service routines
// DIFUNCT Dynamic initialization vector used by C++
// CHECKSUM Checksum byte(s) generated by the -J option
// SIGNATURE Signature memory
// INTVEC Interrupt vectors
// RESET The reset vector
// TLS16_ID Thread-local initializers for main thread
// MPU_B<N> Memory Protection Unit border
// IPE_B<N> Intellection Property Encapsulation border
// IPECODE16 IPE code
// IPEDATA16_C IPE constant data
// Notes:
// * The segments CSTART, ISR_CODE, and DIFUNCT, as well as the segments in
// the DATA16 and TLS16 segment groups must be placed in in the range
// 0000-FFFD.
// * The INFOx and INFO segments overlap, this allows data either to be
// placed in a specific bank or anywhere in the info memory.
// * The INTVEC and RESET segments overlap. This allows an application to
// either use the reset vector provided by the runtime library, or
// provide a reset function by defining an interrupt function associated
// with the reset vector.
// * To use the Memory Protection Unit, the symbol ?mpu2_init should be
// included in the application. The symbol '__iar_430_MPU_base' should be
// defined to the location of the MPU peripheral registers, and the
// registers '__iar_430_MPUSAM_value' and '__iar_430_MPUCTL0_value' to
// the value the registers MPUSAM and MPUCTL0 should be initialized to,
// respectively.
// * To include Intellection Property Encapsulation (IPE), the library
// label '__iar_430_ipe_signature' must be included in the application.
// (One way to do this is to use the -g XLINK command-line option.) The
// symbol '__iar_430_MPUIPC0_value' must be defined to the value the
// MPUIPC0 register should be initialized to.
// * To include custom segments in the Intellection Property Encapsulation
// (IPE) area, place them between the segments IPE_B1 and IPE_B2.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Configuation
// -----------------------------------------------
// Stack and heap sizes
// Uncomment for command line use
// -----------------------------------------------
// Define cpu
// -----------------------------------------------
// Support for placing functions in read/write memory
// -----------------------------------------------
// Support for thread local storage
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Placement directives
// -----------------------------------------------
// Information memory
// -----------------------------------------------
// RAM memory
-Z(DATA)DATA16_I,DATA16_Z,DATA16_N,TLS16_I=1C00-23FF,6300-6B00 //这里是我想在FRAM再分配出2K的空间存储一个数组6300-6B00是我写入的地址
// -----------------------------------------------
// FRAM memory
// -------------------------------------
// Low memory 0-0FFFF
// ---------------------------
// Read/write data in FRAM
-Z(CONST)DATA16_P,DATA20_P=4400-FF79 //这个地方一直没有搞明白
// ---------------------------
// Memory Protection Unit (MPU) border
// ---------------------------
// Constant data
// ---------------------------
// Memory Protection Unit (MPU) border
// ---------------------------
// Intellectual Property Encapsulation (IPE)
// ---------------------------
// Code
// -------------------------------------
// All memory 0-FFFFF
// ---------------------------
// Code
// ---------------------------
// Constant data
// -------------------------------------
// Signature memory and interrupt vectors
// -----------------------------------------------
// RAM memory
-Z(DATA)DATA16_I,DATA16_Z,DATA16_N,TLS16_I=1C00-23FF,6300-6B00 //这里是我想在FRAM再分配出2K的空间存储一个数组6300-6B00是我写入的地址
// -----------------------------------------------
// FRAM memory
// -------------------------------------
// Low memory 0-0FFFF
// ---------------------------
// Read/write data in FRAM
-Z(CONST)DATA16_P,DATA20_P=4400-FF79 //这个地方一直没有搞明白,本身我还需要添加2个128Byte的数组放置在FRAM中,6230-62AF,FC80-FCFF //2个128byte 不知道直接把6230-62AF,FC80-FCFF 放置在这里可以吗?
// ---------------------------
// Memory Protection Unit (MPU) border
// ---------------------------
// Constant data
// ---------------------------
// Memory Protection Unit (MPU) border
// ---------------------------
// Intellectual Property Encapsulation (IPE)