1、使用USS库 单片机进入不了低功耗模式,屏蔽USS相关API才可以
2、使用USS库 使用DMA中断时编译出现"
Warning[w52]: More than one definition for the byte at address 0xffe4 in common segment INTVEC. It is defined in module "USS_Lib_HAL" as well as in module "main"
1、使用USS库 单片机进入不了低功耗模式,屏蔽USS相关API才可以
2、使用USS库 使用DMA中断时编译出现"
Warning[w52]: More than one definition for the byte at address 0xffe4 in common segment INTVEC. It is defined in module "USS_Lib_HAL" as well as in module "main"