我于19年5月14日在贸泽电子网站购买了TI公司生产的开发板:EVM430-FR6043销售订单编号: 246540046 网络订单编号: 16547355。因为开发板需要调试界面和相应的资料,从TI公司找不到GUI调试界面,及相应的IDE程序,从TI官网技术咨询回复看到:官网上搜不到,建议您直接联系TI的sales或者代理商,现在有EVM板可以提供给客户。GUI的话也应该需要联系sales或者代理商来获取。
void Write_Max7219_byte(uchar DATA)
uchar i;
MSP430FR5989 频繁进入和退出LPM3模式会出现重启
MSP430 FR5989芯片,如果5ms进入低功耗LPM3和5ms退出低功耗LPM3,,在超过3000V的大电压的干扰下会出现原因为Brownout的重启,但是如果把芯片进入低功耗LPM3和退出LPM3的频率改为50ms,则不会重启,请问是芯片受到电压的干扰了吗,导致芯片供电不稳吗?芯片进入LPM3是在一个while(1)的循环中,退出LPM3是在定时器中断中,定时器中断的时钟源是ACLK,并且使用的是外部32K的晶振。
我用的IAR8.11.3 下载官网最新的SDK库,编译什么都好着。因为线程函数不好找,我就把例程修改成创建任务的形式了,然后编译就出错
Fatal Error[Li001]: could not open file "C:\ti\simplelink_cc13x0_sdk_3_10_00_11\kernel\tirtos\builds\CC1310_LAUNCHXL\release\iar\package\cfg\release_prm3.src\sysbios\ c:\ti\simplelink_cc13x0_sdk_3_10_00_11\kernel\tirtos\builds\CC1310_LAUNCHXL\release\iar\linker.cmd 7
Error while running Linker
pthread_t thread;
pthread_attr_t attrs;
struct sched_param priParam;
int retc;
/* Call driver init functions */
/* Initialize the attributes structure with default values */
/* Set priority, detach state, and stack size attributes */
priParam.sched_priority = 1;
retc = pthread_attr_setschedparam(&attrs, &priParam);
/* 修改线程的分离状态属性 Attr线程属性变量 PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED 分离启动*/
/* 若成功返回0,若失败返回-1 */
retc |= pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attrs, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
retc |= pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attrs, THREADSTACKSIZE);
if (retc != 0) {
/* failed to set attributes */
while (1) {}
retc = pthread_create(&thread, &attrs, mainThread, NULL);
if (retc != 0) {
/* pthread_create() failed */
while (1) {}
// Task_Params taskParams;
// //Create task with priorty 15
// Task_Params_init(&taskParams);
// taskParams.stackSize = 512;
// taskParams.stack = &taskStack;
// taskParams.priority = 15;
// Task_create((Task_FuncPtr)MainTask,&taskParams,NULL);
如题 不知道MSP430F149硬件SPI能不能够驱动nrf24l01+ 搜索到的大多数例程都是GPIO模拟spi驱动
如果能的话 有没有例程 如果不能的话 模拟spi如何提高其传输速度
MSP430 :CCSV6调试烧写程序和用Lite FET-Pro430 Elprotronic烧写程序的区别
请问使用MSP30 使用CCSV6调试烧写的程序和使用Lite FET-Pro430 Elprotronic烧写程序有什么区别吗?
而且观察DEBUG→MSP43X Option界面,也不能设置烧录等信息。
/* ============================================================================ */ /* Copyright (c) 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated */ /* All rights reserved. */ /* */ /* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without */ /* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions */ /* are met: */ /* */ /* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright */ /* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. */ /* */ /* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright */ /* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the */ /* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. */ /* */ /* * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of */ /* its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived */ /* from this software without specific prior written permission. */ /* */ /* THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" */ /* AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, */ /* THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR */ /* PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR */ /* CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, */ /* EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, */ /* PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; */ /* OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, */ /* WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR */ /* OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, */ /* EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* ============================================================================ */ /******************************************************************************/ /* lnk_msp430f2619.cmd - LINKER COMMAND FILE FOR LINKING MSP430F2619 PROGRAMS */ /* */ /* Usage: lnk430 <obj files...> -o <out file> -m <map file> lnk.cmd */ /* cl430 <src files...> -z -o <out file> -m <map file> lnk.cmd */ /* */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* These linker options are for command line linking only. For IDE linking, */ /* you should set your linker options in Project Properties */ /* -c LINK USING C CONVENTIONS */ /* -stack 0x0100 SOFTWARE STACK SIZE */ /* -heap 0x0100 HEAP AREA SIZE */ /* */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Version: 1.206 */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /****************************************************************************/ /* Specify the system memory map */ /****************************************************************************/ MEMORY { SFR : origin = 0x0000, length = 0x0010 PERIPHERALS_8BIT : origin = 0x0010, length = 0x00F0 PERIPHERALS_16BIT : origin = 0x0100, length = 0x0100 RAM : origin = 0x1100, length = 0x1000 INFOA : origin = 0x10C0, length = 0x0040 INFOB : origin = 0x1080, length = 0x0040 INFOC : origin = 0x1040, length = 0x0040 INFOD : origin = 0x1000, length = 0x0040 FLASH : origin = 0x2100, length = 0xDEBE FLASH2 : origin = 0x10000,length = 0x10000 BSLSIGNATURE : origin = 0xFFBE, length = 0x0002, fill = 0xFFFF INT00 : origin = 0xFFC0, length = 0x0002 INT01 : origin = 0xFFC2, length = 0x0002 INT02 : origin = 0xFFC4, length = 0x0002 INT03 : origin = 0xFFC6, length = 0x0002 INT04 : origin = 0xFFC8, length = 0x0002 INT05 : origin = 0xFFCA, length = 0x0002 INT06 : origin = 0xFFCC, length = 0x0002 INT07 : origin = 0xFFCE, length = 0x0002 INT08 : origin = 0xFFD0, length = 0x0002 INT09 : origin = 0xFFD2, length = 0x0002 INT10 : origin = 0xFFD4, length = 0x0002 INT11 : origin = 0xFFD6, length = 0x0002 INT12 : origin = 0xFFD8, length = 0x0002 INT13 : origin = 0xFFDA, length = 0x0002 INT14 : origin = 0xFFDC, length = 0x0002 INT15 : origin = 0xFFDE, length = 0x0002 INT16 : origin = 0xFFE0, length = 0x0002 INT17 : origin = 0xFFE2, length = 0x0002 INT18 : origin = 0xFFE4, length = 0x0002 INT19 : origin = 0xFFE6, length = 0x0002 INT20 : origin = 0xFFE8, length = 0x0002 INT21 : origin = 0xFFEA, length = 0x0002 INT22 : origin = 0xFFEC, length = 0x0002 INT23 : origin = 0xFFEE, length = 0x0002 INT24 : origin = 0xFFF0, length = 0x0002 INT25 : origin = 0xFFF2, length = 0x0002 INT26 : origin = 0xFFF4, length = 0x0002 INT27 : origin = 0xFFF6, length = 0x0002 INT28 : origin = 0xFFF8, length = 0x0002 INT29 : origin = 0xFFFA, length = 0x0002 INT30 : origin = 0xFFFC, length = 0x0002 RESET : origin = 0xFFFE, length = 0x0002 } /****************************************************************************/ /* Specify the sections allocation into memory */ /****************************************************************************/ SECTIONS { .bss : {} > RAM /* Global & static vars */ .data : {} > RAM /* Global & static vars */ .TI.noinit : {} > RAM /* For #pragma noinit */ .sysmem : {} > RAM /* Dynamic memory allocation area */ .stack : {} > RAM (HIGH) /* Software system stack */ #ifndef __LARGE_CODE_MODEL__ .text : {} > FLASH /* Code */ #else .text : {} >> FLASH2 | FLASH /* Code */ #endif .text:_isr : {} > FLASH /* ISR Code space */ .cinit : {} > FLASH /* Initialization tables */ #ifndef __LARGE_DATA_MODEL__ .const : {} > FLASH /* Constant data */ #else .const : {} >> FLASH | FLASH2 /* Constant data */ #endif .bslsignature : {} > BSLSIGNATURE /* BSL Signature */ .cio : {} > RAM /* C I/O Buffer */ .pinit : {} > FLASH /* C++ Constructor tables */ .binit : {} > FLASH /* Boot-time Initialization tables */ .init_array : {} > FLASH /* C++ Constructor tables */ .mspabi.exidx : {} > FLASH /* C++ Constructor tables */ .mspabi.extab : {} > FLASH /* C++ Constructor tables */ #ifdef __TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ #if __TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ >= 15009000 #ifndef __LARGE_CODE_MODEL__ .TI.ramfunc : {} load=FLASH, run=RAM, table(BINIT) #else .TI.ramfunc : {} load=FLASH | FLASH2, run=RAM, table(BINIT) #endif #endif #endif .infoA : {} > INFOA /* MSP430 INFO FLASH Memory segments */ .infoB : {} > INFOB .infoC : {} > INFOC .infoD : {} > INFOD /* MSP430 Interrupt vectors */ RESERVED0 : { * ( .int00 ) } > INT00 type = VECT_INIT RESERVED1 : { * ( .int01 ) } > INT01 type = VECT_INIT RESERVED2 : { * ( .int02 ) } > INT02 type = VECT_INIT RESERVED3 : { * ( .int03 ) } > INT03 type = VECT_INIT RESERVED4 : { * ( .int04 ) } > INT04 type = VECT_INIT RESERVED5 : { * ( .int05 ) } > INT05 type = VECT_INIT RESERVED6 : { * ( .int06 ) } > INT06 type = VECT_INIT RESERVED7 : { * ( .int07 ) } > INT07 type = VECT_INIT RESERVED8 : { * ( .int08 ) } > INT08 type = VECT_INIT RESERVED9 : { * ( .int09 ) } > INT09 type = VECT_INIT RESERVED10 : { * ( .int10 ) } > INT10 type = VECT_INIT RESERVED11 : { * ( .int11 ) } > INT11 type = VECT_INIT RESERVED12 : { * ( .int12 ) } > INT12 type = VECT_INIT RESERVED13 : { * ( .int13 ) } > INT13 type = VECT_INIT DAC12 : { * ( .int14 ) } > INT14 type = VECT_INIT DMA : { * ( .int15 ) } > INT15 type = VECT_INIT USCIAB1TX : { * ( .int16 ) } > INT16 type = VECT_INIT USCIAB1RX : { * ( .int17 ) } > INT17 type = VECT_INIT PORT1 : { * ( .int18 ) } > INT18 type = VECT_INIT PORT2 : { * ( .int19 ) } > INT19 type = VECT_INIT RESERVED20 : { * ( .int20 ) } > INT20 type = VECT_INIT ADC12 : { * ( .int21 ) } > INT21 type = VECT_INIT USCIAB0TX : { * ( .int22 ) } > INT22 type = VECT_INIT USCIAB0RX : { * ( .int23 ) } > INT23 type = VECT_INIT TIMERA1 : { * ( .int24 ) } > INT24 type = VECT_INIT TIMERA0 : { * ( .int25 ) } > INT25 type = VECT_INIT WDT : { * ( .int26 ) } > INT26 type = VECT_INIT COMPARATORA : { * ( .int27 ) } > INT27 type = VECT_INIT TIMERB1 : { * ( .int28 ) } > INT28 type = VECT_INIT TIMERB0 : { * ( .int29 ) } > INT29 type = VECT_INIT NMI : { * ( .int30 ) } > INT30 type = VECT_INIT .reset : {} > RESET /* MSP430 Reset vector */ } /****************************************************************************/ /* Include peripherals memory map */ /****************************************************************************/ -l msp430f2619.cmd
【6.11 TI 在线直播】工程更智能、工业设计更强大 - 现场变送器与智能电表设计方案
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
用仿真器连接MSP430F5328进行仿真,IAR提示:Fatal error: Could not find device (or device not supported) Session aborted! 下面是MSP430F5328的JTAG接口连接原理图,大家帮忙看下有没有问题。同样的jtag接口电路用于MSP430F1612是可以正常使用的。
MSP430FR5989 UART串口初始化的问题
void UCA0_uart_init()
P2OUT &= ~(BIT0+BIT1);
P2DIR &= ~(BIT0+BIT1);
P2REN &= ~(BIT0+BIT1);
P2SEL0 |= BIT0 + BIT1;
P2SEL1 &= ~(BIT0 + BIT1);
UCA0CTLW0 |= UCSWRST | UCSSEL__ACLK; // Put eUSCI in reset, select ACLK; when ACLK = 32768
UCA0BR0 = 0x03; // 32000/9600 = 3.333 波特率9600
UCA0BR1 = 0x00;
UCA0MCTLW |= 0x4900;
UCA0CTL1 &=~ UCSWRST; // release from reset
UCA0IE |= UCRXIE; // Enable RX interrupt
MSP430烧写器 FET-Pro403 Lite的使用
MSP430G2955 将GPIO设置为上拉输入功耗问题
1.MSP430能直接上TI-RTOS操作系统吗?就像CC1310 SDK那种代码资源有没有,在哪里下载?
关于TIDA-010030 参考设计疑问
16位 MSP430FR2353 芯片P1.7引脚配置成VREF+输出2.5V 如何配置?
16位 MSP430FR2353芯片P1.7引脚配置成VREF+输出2.5V 如何配置?
// to activate previously configured port settings
P1SEL0 |= BIT7;
P1SEL1 |= BIT7;
// Configure reference module
PMMCTL0_H = PMMPW_H; // Unlock the PMM registers
PMMCTL2 = INTREFEN | REFVSEL_2 | EXTREFEN_1; // Enable internal 2.5V reference
IAR430使用FET-pro430烧写程序问题(IAR430 uses FET-pro430 programming problem)
MSP-GANG烧写失败,提示错误: ERROR 023
MSP430G2553,用IAR FOR MSP430编译器,定义一个数组crc15Table[256],编译时提示e16,如何解决?